Top 5 Legal Resources For Developers - Dev Resources
- Avodocs - Free legal documents for startups. Get your company's legal documents in minutes.
- CookieYes - CookieYes is a cookie consent solution that helps your website achieve GDPR and CCPA compliance easily. Create a lifetime free account!
- - Generate a simple Terms of Service and Privacy Policy statement for your website.
- Greip - One of the must trusted Fraud Prevention services, which allows you to deploy AI-Powered modules to prevent fraud and abuse.
- Privacyboard - Privacyboard helps you comply with GDPR in minutes so you can focus on what's really important for your business.
LegalPrivacyboard helps you comply with GDPR in minutes so you can focus on what's really important for your business.
AI/Legal/SecurityOne of the must trusted Fraud Prevention services, which allows you to deploy AI-Powered modules to prevent fraud and abuse.
LegalCookieYes is a cookie consent solution that helps your website achieve GDPR and CCPA compliance easily. Create a lifetime free account!
LegalFree legal documents for startups. Get your company's legal documents in minutes.
LegalGenerate a simple Terms of Service and Privacy Policy statement for your website.