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Top 8 Authentication Resources For Developers - Dev Resources

  • Clerk - Drop-in React components for authentication and authorization.
  • Corbado - Passkey-first authentication for developers
  • Firebase - Firebase is Google’s mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business.
  • Kinde - Simple, powerful authentication you can integrate with your product in minutes.
  • Magic - Bring your Web3 strategy to life with Magic. Passwordless Auth + NFT wallet onboarding (without seed phrase) for your customers.
  • SinglebaseCloud - AI-powered backend platform with Vector DB, DocumentDB, Auth, and more to speed up app development.
  • Warrant - Hosted enterprise-grade authorization and access control service for your apps.
  • Zenlogin - Security API which uses user agent, geolocation and AI and Machine Learning signals to notify your users when a suspicious login occurs. Sends out those familiar "We notified a new login on your account" emails. Supports Auth0 and custom integrations.


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